SolaRoad extended with Global Solar

Wouldn’t it be great if our roads would become solar installations? And we were able to power our cars with the energy generated? That’s the initial idea behind SolaRoad, an innovative Dutch project that was first introduced in 2014 with 70 meters of solar bike road.

solaroad_hanergy_1SolaRoad is now making a next step. On 17th of October two new road-elements based on Hanergy’s Global Solar PowerFlex modules have been implemented in the bicycle road as extension of the already existing 70 meters of SolaRoad. Aim is to test Hanergy’s Powerflex modules as an enabling technology for SolaRoad to become a market ready, energy generating alternative road solution.


Hanergy CIGS Thin Film’s unique features make it extremely fit for applications such as SolaRoad; they are flexible, light weighted, durable and perform well under low irradiation, shadow and high temperatures.


Next to the commercially available PowerFlex modules there will be experiments with Global Solar’s new ICI material in different material stacks to better understand the performance and durability of this new material.


These experiments, both with the PowerFlex modules and ICI, will run for one year. SolaRoad and Hanergy will use this time and these results to further strengthen their cooperation, with the aim to bring groundbreaking SolaRoad concepts to reality.

We see this as one of the great opportunities to integrate Hanergy’s thin film PV in our living environment and we are working hard in close cooperation with Solliance to create successful products out of these opportunities and bring them to market as soon as possible.